Monday 5 August 2013

Motivational Monday #1

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
                                              - George Eliot

This quote reminds us that it is never to late to pursue our dreams. As long as you set your mind to it you can accomplish anything.

I've recently been thinking about how my life hasn't exactly gone the way I thought it would. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for my life and everything in it, but we all wonder don't we? We all think of how things could have been and where we could have been if things had gone slightly different. For example, I'm not in the job I imagined I would have when I left school.

But why does that mean my dream job is lost to me? If I set my mind to it and take every opportunity that comes my way, I could quite easily get my dream job in time as well as anything else that I desire.

The message from this first Motivational Monday post is to never stop aiming/reaching for your dreams because YOU CAN make them become reality.


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